- Recycle Bin
- Products and services
- Groundwater
- Mineral resources
- Physical planning
- Geology of Sweden
About SGU
- Tasks and activities
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- December
- November
- October
- The potential for critical metals and minerals in the Nordic bedrock is highlighted in a new report to the Nordic Council of Ministers
- New bedrock maps over parts of the mountain region (Fjäll) in Swedish Lapland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties, Sweden
- Neue geologische Karten von Teilen des Fjälls in schwedisch Lappland in den Provinzen Västerbotten und Norrbotten
- July
- April
- March
- January
- 2020
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- 2018
- Press and media
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- Contact SGU
- Events
- About the site
- Välkommen till Geologisk
ITP308: Mine water and mine waste management
- About ITP308
- Year-end reflection on ITP308 and looking ahead
- An update from the second-to-last year of ITP308
- Spring news from ITP308
- Mine waste and artisanal and small-scale mining in focus at ITP308 in 2023
- Busier than ever: Mine water and mine waste management
- ITP308-Mine water and mine waste management: Full steam ahead in a new suit
- A new year and new training programmes
- ITP 308- Mine water and mine waste management: Online training and update
- Mining & Sustainability Conferences
- Online conferences and courses during the pandemic
- Continued work in the Mine water and mine waste management programme (ITP 308) during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Mining, Covid-19 and digital material
- The Swedish phase of the third ITP308 training is over
- SGU in Ethiopia on mining and environmental issues
- Projects
Knowledge Platform
- Introductory knowledge module
- Advanced knowledge module
- Virtual field visits
- Chapter 1: An introduction to minerals, ore and exploration
- Chapter 2: An introduction to mining
- Chapter 3: Mining and the environment
- Chapter 4: Mining waste
- Chapter 5: Sulphide minerals and acid rock drainage
- Chapter 6: Governance of extractive industries
- Chapter 7: Minimizing the environmental impact from sulphidic mine waste
- Chapter 8: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining
- Chapter 9: Ore deposit geology
- Chapter 10: Sampling
- Chapter 11: Biodiversity and ecosystem services
- Chapter 12: Tailings Storage Facility
- Chapter 13: Suggested Reading
- Quiz
- Interactive Roleplay Exercise: Social impacts in mining
- Application
Last reviewed 2023-05-28