EU groundwater on the agenda – SGU hosts meeting in Uppsala
On 19–20 April, the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) will host the spring groundwater meeting for the EU Water Framework Directive. The meeting, which is held at Studenternas in Uppsala, brings together representatives from the European Commission, the EU member states and from industry and interest organizations.
The European cooperation on water is governed by several EU directives. Together, the EU member states are working to ensure that the quality of water is good and that water is available in sufficient quantity to meet the need for drinking water and for the protection of ecosystems. To coordinate the work and compare how the member states are interpreting and implementing the Directives, there are Working Groups that meet regularly under the auspices of the European Commission.
SGU represents Sweden in Working Group Groundwater, a group that meets twice a year. Traditionally, working meetings are held in the country currently holding the EU Presidency. On 19–20 April, SGU will host the meeting, which will be held at Studenternas in Uppsala.
”The high temperatures of recent years in several parts of Europe are putting great pressure on the groundwater. In addition to drought and climate change, there are also major challenges regarding pollution from chemicals, especially PFAS. These are challenges that we in Europe must address and solve together," says SGU Director General Anneli Wirtén.
During the meeting, the representative of the European Commission will, among other things, talk about current issues within the EU administration that have a bearing on groundwater issues. One example is the ongoing revision of the Groundwater Directive which will be highlighted. At the meetings, new research results on groundwater-related issues are also discussed, such as new monitoring methods, risk analyses and groundwater climate impact.
"We are looking forward to welcoming EU representatives and groundwater experts from all over Europe to Uppsala for the exchange of knowledge and constructive dialogue. Continued good and close European cooperation is crucial in order to protect and secure our water resources for future generations," says Anneli Wirtén.
Last reviewed 2023-04-17