
  • Mining waste in Northern Lapland could be a future resource

    In this second report from the results from sampling of waste from closed Swedish mines, SGU look at the northern parts of Lapland in Sweden. The results show high grades of lead, copper, and zinc from waste rock and tailings from three closed mines: Viscaria, Pahtohavare and Laisvall.

    9 November 2023

  • Mine waste and artisanal and small-scale mining in focus at ITP308 in 2023

    Another year has passed and the ITP program has been active with several activities during the year, including the start of two new groups and two regional conferences in Zambia and Rwanda. A brief summary of the year follows. Get a good view of the ITP308 programme in the film below, including interviews with some of the participants from 2023.

    6 November 2023