SGU:s publications.


SGU publishes a large number of reports and maps in our various publications. The publications describe the results of various surveys, investigations and assignments. Here, our various series are briefly presented.

The publications present information about bedrock, Quaternary deposits, groundwater, geophysical and geochemical conditions and mineral deposits in Sweden’s land areas and continental shelf. The level of detail and content are adapted to different user groups and purposes. The scales most commonly used in our published maps are 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and 1:250,000. Larger scales are also used. This is a list of our different official publications. 

Utsnitt från en karta.
K series

Maps and descriptions on all themes. Since 2005, our maps and descriptions covering different themes have been published in this one series. Common scales are 1:50 000, 1:100 000, 1:200 000, 1:250 000 and 1:1 000 000, with descriptions given either separately or on the actual map.

For older map series, please follow this link.

Rapporter och meddelanden (Reports and bulletins) 

Cover of Rapporter & Meddelanden 125.

Cover of Rapporter & Meddelanden 125.

The series contains mainly reports from documentation projects and compilations of mapping activities. Most publications are written in Swedish, but a few are in English. Only available as printed product.

SGU-rapporter (The SGU report series). The series contains reports produced e.g. in conjunction with external commissions and internal research and development projects, evaluations, seminar programs and such. The reports are only produced in a small number, but are available in the library of SGU or on our web site.

Periodiska publikationer (Periodic publications)

The series Periodiska publikationer contains reports on ballast production, statistics on the mining industry in Sweden, analyses of the Swedish and international mineral market, and official reports concerning the mineral market. The publications are available as printed products, and many of the recent publications also as pdf-files.

C series

The series was initiated in 1868 and contains mostly scientific papers on various geological subjects, sometimes accompanied by separate maps. The language is today English, but older publications in the series are written in Swedish, French, and German. Only available as printed product.

Last reviewed 2020-09-21