Geochemical mapping

SGUs geochemical mapping focuses on researching the natural levels of metals and other important elements in soils. The information shows, for example; areas where gold is present, where there is a lack of important elements such as phosphorus and magnesium, or a risk of too high natural levels of arsenic or cadmium.

Metals and other elements are in constant circulation, all around us, in nature. Many of these elements occur naturally, from soils or bedrock, and some have been released through human activity. These substances affect both nature and us, for good or evil.

The information gained from the geochemical mapping is used in many different fields, such as mineral prospecting, foresting, soil research, municipal planning, environmental monitoring and medical research.

How is the mapping performed?

Samples are taken at a depth of 1 meter to map the natural levels of main and trace elements in the soils. Laboratories measure more than 30 elements, as well as acidity (pH). The sampling density is 1 sample per 6-7 km2.

SGU has, through the geochemical mapping, built a large database over biogeochemical mapping. Aquatic mosses, as well as roots from living plants, have been analyzed to get a picture of the total content and amount of different elements in circulation. The results highlight over 30 elements in natural waters. These measurements are not conducted today, but the results are still usable.

Last reviewed 2020-10-13