New version of BetterGeo mod for Minecraft
The mod BetterGeo 3.0 for Minecraft has now been released! It includes new blocks, new features, new advancements and more fun. The new release immerses the player in the world of raw materials; you can learn about more about geology, natural resources, and important metals needed for the energy transition such as cobalt, lithium, and rare earth metals.
22 December 2021
The FRAME project shows the potential for critical raw materials in Europe
Access to critical raw materials is increasingly important when the EU push towards climate smart technology. The FRAME project has made progress in identifying the mineral resource potential in EU.
10 November 2021
Exploration Newsletter October 2021
What´s up in the exploration and mining industry in Sweden? Find out by downloading the latest issue of Exploration Newsletter.
4 October 2021
The potential for critical metals and minerals in the Nordic bedrock is highlighted in a new report to the Nordic Council of Ministers
In collaboration with the corresponding organisations in the other Nordic countries, the Geological Survey of Sweden has produced a report that shows the known potential to extract critical metals and minerals in the Nordic countries, but also highlights the need for new studies and research. These critical raw materials are in several cases vital for a green energy transition.
28 September 2021
New bedrock maps over parts of the mountain region (Fjäll) in Swedish Lapland, Västerbotten and Norrbotten Counties, Sweden
There are now new bedrock maps with an accompanying description for the mountain region between the River Umeälven in the south and Mt. Ammarfjället and Lake Gautojaure and River Laisälven in the north. The maps and descriptions have been produced by collaboration between two universities in Germany and the SGU (Sveriges geologiska undersökning, Geological Survey of Sweden).
23 September 2021
Neue geologische Karten von Teilen des Fjälls in schwedisch Lappland in den Provinzen Västerbotten und Norrbotten
Für das schwedische Gebirge (Fjäll) zwischen Umeälv im Süden und dem Ammarfjäll und Gautojaure-Laisälv im Norden gibt es jetzt neue geologische Karten mit zugehörigen Beschreibungen. Die Karten und Beschreibungen wurden in Zusammenarbeit zwischen zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der SGU (Sveriges geologiska undersökning, schwedische Behörde für Geologie) erstellt.
23 September 2021
Webinar: UNs classification of natural resources
Welcome to an introduction to UN:s classification of natural resources. Mining, groundwater supplies, waste, aggregates, traceability, renewable energy and carbon capture and storage – all can be comprised in the UN system for the classification of natural resources, UNFC.
6 July 2021
Interesting magmatic events at the Hárrevárddo intrusion in Norrbotten County
Surveying by the SGU in southwestern part of the Norrbotten County reveal complex magmatic events at around 1 780 Ma ago. This study contributes to our knowledge of how the magma penetrated during this time and to the evolution of igneous systems.
21 April 2021
Potential for base metals and platinum group elements within the Bergslagen region
Investigations carried out by SGU in the Bergslagen region show potential for base metals, such as nickel and copper, as well as platinum group elements (PGEs) to occur in economically significant concentrations.
22 March 2021
Exploration Newsletter March 2021
What´s up in the exploration and mining industry in Sweden? Find out by downloading the latest issue of Exploration Newsletter.
22 March 2021
New bedrock maps from project Sydvästra Norrbotten
There are now new bedrock maps for areas around Porjus, Jokkmokk, Tjåmotis and Luvos in Norrbotten. The maps are part of SGU's project for mapping ore potential areas and their geographical distribution.
25 January 2021