The Geological Survey of Sweden develops innovative approaches for international training programme during the Covid-19 pandemic
Participants and organisers of the SGU’s ’Mine water and mine waste management’ programme (ITP308), move ahead with innovative ideas and new plans for the future, despite the continued impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
27 December 2020
Exploration Newsletter October 2020
What´s up in the exploration and mining industry in Sweden? Find out by downloading the latest issue of Exploration Newsletter.
8 October 2020
Read more about FRAME
The FRAME project is part of the GeoERA Raw Materials Theme. The project focuses on critical raw materials (CRM), but also includes other metals and minerals that are currently not on the EU's list of critical raw materials.
19 August 2020
Easier and more sustainable mapping of mineral resources using drones
The first tests with drones for geophysical mapping have now been carried out within the EU project Smart Exploration. The surveys were made at Blötberget outside Ludvika and the results look very promising. Surveys with the drone system can save time, money and the environment.
6 July 2020
Smart Exploration project wins award
SGU has been actively involved in the project Smart Exploration since 2017. Smart Exploration is a research- and innovation project funded by the European Union.
20 May 2020
International knowledge exchange in the shadow of COVID-19
Due to the disruption caused by the Corona virus, SGU has taken to upgrade their digital platform for the International Training Programme and come up with innovative ideas to sustain and expand the collaboration in times of global difficulties.
15 May 2020
Learn about raw materials, circular economy and sustainability with Minecraft - in school and at home!
SGU is leading a new EU-project with the aim to develop educational material for primary schools.
28 April 2020
Exploration Newsletter March 2020
What´s up in the exploration and mining industry in Sweden? Find out by downloading the latest issue of Exploration Newsletter.
9 March 2020
MineFacts - a collection of facts about mining, exploration and sustainability
MineFacts, which aims to increase knowledge about mining, exploration and sustainability, is now available as a digital version.
14 January 2020