International knowledge exchange in the shadow of COVID-19
Due to the disruption caused by the Corona virus, SGU has taken to upgrade their digital platform for the International Training Programme and come up with innovative ideas to sustain and expand the collaboration in times of global difficulties.
The ITP 308 is currently carrying on with decreased activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic. To follow the various rules and regulations associated with the outbreak, the Geological Survey of Sweden and its collaborators in Sweden; Luleå University of Technology and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, together with our African collaborative organisations, have taken measures to do our part to help stop spreading the virus.
Because of the global restrictions of travelling and larger gatherings, all events have been put on hold. A new start date for the Sweden phase in September/October is still tentative. In addition, the two regional conferences initially planned for 2020 are still undecided as we hope there will be opportunities to execute them in some shape and form during the latter half of 2020. However, this remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, to the extent it is possible, the activated groups continue to work on their change projects with the supports of their mentors and organisations. Concurrently, the team in Sweden is working to improve the ITP website, increasing accessibility for any and all individuals not partaking in the training as well as ITP participants. The feedbacks from previous groups have been considered and an expansion of current topics and additions to the list of subjects in the Geointro section are planned.
Since 2018, the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) runs an international training programme focused on mine water and mine waste management. The programme is assimilating mine water management, and the science thereof, with topics such as biodiversity, transparency, governance and human rights. The training is divided into different stages with an initial web-enabled baseline training called Geointro, followed by a three-week training in Malå, Västerbotten and ten months of change project work to ultimately conclude with a regional conference in one of the participating countries.
Last reviewed 2020-05-18