20 May 2020

Smart Exploration project wins award

SGU has been actively involved in the project Smart Exploration since 2017. Smart Exploration is a research- and innovation project funded by the European Union.

Smart Exploration consists of 27 partner organizations from 9 European countries. The partners collaborate to develop new tools for updating existing and generating new geological information to facilitate modelling mineral resources at depth. The outcomes of the project can be used as new solutions for sustainable production of raw materials within EU that are more sensitive and environmental-friendly exploration technologies.

The project has been very successful in achieving its goals which has led to several publications and presentations in the international conferences and meetings. As a result, the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) has recently given its “Distinguished Achievement Award” to the Smart Exploration project.

Read more about Smart Exploration

Read the press release from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Contact persons: 

Martiya Sadeghi: martiya.sadeghi@sgu.se

Mehrdad Bastani: mehrdad.bastani@sgu.se

Last reviewed 2020-05-20