The new version of BetterGeo includes six new blocks: carbonatite, laterite, basalt with zircon, anorthosite and phosphorite.
Not official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang.
New version of BetterGeo mod for Minecraft
The mod BetterGeo 3.0 for Minecraft has now been released! It includes new blocks, new features, new advancements and more fun. The new release immerses the player in the world of raw materials; you can learn about more about geology, natural resources, and important metals needed for the energy transition such as cobalt, lithium, and rare earth metals.
The first version of the mod BetterGeo was released in a beta version in Swedish and English on 7th May 2015, as a free addon to the world-famous game Minecraft. BetterGeo aims to increase knowledge about the importance of geosciences for community development and growth, as well as increased awareness of the sustainable use of mineral resources. In addition to the fun and exciting new features, BetterGeo 3.0 helps to understand the importance of critical raw materials in today's technology. In addition to the mod, new exercises for BetterGeo have been developed and they can be used as educational materials for schools to teach students about batteries, recycling of raw materials and circular economy. The mod also takes the player on a mineral hunt where valuable stones, minerals and metals are hard currency.
This following are included in the new version of BetterGeo:
- 6 new blocks: carbonatite, laterite, basalt with zircon, anorthosite and phosphorite
- New ores / minerals: apatite, zircon, graphite, indium, cobalt, nickel, vanadium
- New alloys: high-strength steel, indium-tin oxide
- Updated recipe for batteries
- New items: gravimeter, graphite anode, explosives, drilling machine, screen, stairs and tiles
- Explosive block
- New tools: steel and flint axes, shovels, picks and swords
- New books
- Others: High-tech smelter, processing plant, Geosuit, 6 new advancements
- Most bug fixes
- Translations into Swedish, Finnish, French, Spanish, German, Slovenian, Estonian, Italian
Download BetterGeo 3.0 from Curseforge.com
Here you can download BetterGeo 3.0 directly.
How to download and install BetterGeo
Here you will find a complete guide in downloading and installing BetterGeo.
BetterGeo 3.0 includes a geosuit, a a new armor (helmet, chest plate, pants and boots) that protect the player against fire if all the parts are on. It is possible to fly if the chest plate is on (as a jet pack).
Not official Minecraft product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang.
Read more about the training material at www.bettergeoedu.com
About BetterGeo
BetterGeo was an initiative in a Sweden government assignment that SGU worked on between 2013–2017, which aimed to increase knowledge about the importance of geology for community development and growth. The project was expanded with further development between 2019 and 2021 and is today funded by EIT RawMaterials, which falls under The European Institute of Innovation and Technology - a body within the European Union. All work with BetterGeo today takes place within a collaborative project (BetterGeoEdu) in which several countries within the EU participate.
Project partners include
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR, Italy), Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS, Slovenia), Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU, Sweden), Montanuniversität Leoben (MUL, Austria), Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech, Estonia), Trinity College Dublin - The Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars, and the other members of Board, of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin (TCD, Ireland), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM, Spain), Université de Liège (ULiège, Belgium).
Last reviewed 2021-12-22