Landslides and gullies
The Map viewer "Landslides and gullies" show traces of landslide scars and gullies in unconsolidated deposits. Together with geological data, the information can be used for an overview assessment of landslide susceptibility and ground stability.
The Map viewer is based on analysis of high resolution elevation data from Lantmäteriet (NNH-data) as well as on information from SGUs Quaternary geology databases. The Map viewer also shows traces of landslides on the seabed, identified during SGUs marine geological surveys. Classification errors and inadequacies may occur.
Most landslides have occurred in clay-areas, but there are traces of landslides in sand- and till-areas and in moraine. In cases where landslides have occurred in sandy areas, a silt or clay layer often occurs under a superficial layer of sand.
Gullies with a depth of less than about 3 m have usually not been mapped.
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Last reviewed 2021-11-11