Conditions for landslides in fine-grained soil
The map viewer "Conditions for landslides in fine-grained soil" is intended to be used at an early planning stage to identify areas where there may be a risk of landslides and where further investigations need to be carried out. In order to interpret the information correctly, basic geotechnical and geological skills are required.
The information is based on a calculation algorithm (Tryggvason, 2014) which defines land with fine-grained soil types which is vulnerable to landslides on the basis of soil type (according to SGU’s product soil types 1:25 000-1:100 000), terrain model (national elevation model of the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) and critical slope (1:10). In addition to the areas of caution, the areas of coverage (with scale ranges) are also displayed in front of the soil-type information on which the analysis was based.
Go directly to map viewer (new window)
Read the Map Guide (new window)
Product sheet Conditions for landslides in fine-grained soil (new window)
Read more about the calculation algorithm here (new window)
The corresponding data set can be ordered through SGU customer services.
Product description for the data set (new window)
The SGI [Swedish Geotechnical Institute] collates documents from several agencies in the map viewer service for the Guidance on avalanches, landslides, erosion.
Last reviewed 2021-12-28