Utsnitt karta.


The map viewer "Peat" contains information about the characteristics of peat layers, such as its composition, humification rate and wetness. The information can be used as a planning basis for the extraction of energy or cultivation squares.

The map viewer describes the areas that, according to SGU's mapping of soil species, are peat. The map viewer also contains information about:

  • areas where aeronautical measurements show high radiation from uranium
  • places where peat stock sequences have been documented
  • data can be downloaded freely
  • concession-coated peat quarries
  • areas covered in salt and brackish water

The map viewer also shows stocks that are not produced by SGU but which have a significant impact in assessing the suitability for peat quarrying. Examples of such information are the nature value assessment from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency's wetland inventory and active peat quarries from Lantmäteriet's terrain and road map.

Go directly to the Map Viewer Peat (new window)

Choose English version inside the map viewer by clicking the flag in the upper right corner.

Last reviewed 2021-09-02