Utsnitt Karta.

Soil depth

The Soil depth map viewer displays a very comprehensive surface-coverage model of the soil depth (Soil-depth model) and soil depth observations collected by SGU.

The soil depth model has been calculated by interpolation of known soil depth data, obtained by drilling for example. As support for the interpolation between observation points, crack zones and surface-coverage soil-type information, amongst other things, have been used. The uncertainty in the calculations increases with the distance to points with measured soil depths. If the distance to the nearest observation exceeds several hundred meters, the uncertainty in the calculated soil depth is significant. In areas where detailed soil-type maps are not available, Soil types 1:750 000 Mittnorden and Soil types 1:1 million have been used. These have a significantly reduced resolution which is reflected in the resulting soil-depth model in these areas. A coverage map showing used soil-type maps is included in the map viewer, as well as the crack zones and soil-depth observations used in the modelling (Basis for the soil-depth model).

Soil-depth observations consist of soil-depth data from various databases at SGU which contain stratigraphic observations or in other ways data on soil depth or rock observations. The observations are divided into points where the soil thickness down to bedrock has been established (ending at the bedrock), observations where bedrock has not been found (open ended), and depth ranges where small soil depths are symbolised by smaller circles and large soil depths by larger circles.

The soil-depth model is updated at least once a year Soil-depth observations are continuously updated when new information becomes available. This means that differences between bases used for the soil-depth model and soil-depth observation may occur.

Go directly to the Soil-depth map viewer (new window).

Last reviewed 2021-12-28