Invoices to SGU

Electronic invoices

From 1 April 2019, it is a legal requirement that all purchases in the public sector must be invoiced with an electronic invoice (e-invoice). If you have an agreement with us that was signed before 1 April 2019, and that does not require an e-invoice, we would like you to send electronic invoices. Please note that PDF is not an approved format.

Electronic address for e-invoice

The Geological Survey of Sweden, SGU, receives electronic invoices through the PEPPOL network.

Peppol ID: 0007:2021002528

Tags to be used in PEPPOL

It is important that the references given in the invoice, purchase order or requisition are written in the correct field on the invoice. Here is information on which references should be entered and where:

Order number

Invoice reference (cost or project number)

Contract reference/number


Invoice Portal

SGU has an agreement with Qvalia and through them offers a free portal for e-invoicing in the PEPPOL network. You can find more information about the portal here:

Read more about the Invoice Portal

Payment terms

Payment is made no later than 30 days after the date of issue, provided that the terms of the agreement for delivery approval and the right to compensation are met. No invoice or reminder fees may be charged. Any late payment interest is payable in accordance with the Swedish Interest Act.

Invoice marking

The table shows the information that needs to be on the invoice in order for it to be handled quickly. Invoice message refers to information that is written on the invoice as free text.

Information about what should be included as below is provided by the person at SGU who places the order.

Customer reference​

Type of marking Type of information Explanation Example Incorrectly
Customer reference Cost centre Must always be specified. Five digits. Must only be numbers and no text. 40030 ”Kst 40030”
Invoice text Project When project exists. Five or six digits. Otherwise left blank. 88056 ”Proj 88056” or ”project 8805”
Invoice text The customer's first and last name at SGU The person at SGU who approves the delivery. ”Agneta Berg” Johan
Invoice text Agreement Framework agreement or contract. Consists of a registration number.


”Avtal 423232023”,
DNR: 423-12-2023)
Invoice text Ordering When a separate order number is available. Order is made against a framework agreement. Consists of a registration number.



”DNR 43240” or ”DNR43240-2145”
Invoice text Purpose Purpose is stated for example when traveling, purchasing coffee, food, flowers, etc. Staff meeting  

An invoice to SGU must, in addition to the above, contain the following:

  • Invoice number
  • Invoice date
  • Due date (SGU applies 30-day payment terms)
  • Seller's name and address
  • Buyer's name (see example above) and the authority's address for invoices,
    Address to be stated:

    Geological Survey of Sweden,
    Box 7016
    831 07 ÖSTERSUND

  • Customer reference (see example above)
  • Project number (see example above)
  • Information about the register number, contract number should be found under "contract"
  • Order number should be found under "order number"
  • Purpose when invoicing travel, flowers, coffee and food
  • Date of delivery of goods or performance of services
  • Quantity and nature of the goods or scope and nature of the services
  • Seller's corporate registration number and VAT registration number
  • Information about whether the seller is registered for F-tax and/or A-tax
    In case of exemption from VAT – refer to the relevant provision in the ML or in the VAT Directive. Please note that SGU is covered by the provisions regarding reverse charge for construction services.

  • Seller's bankgiro/plusgiro/bank account number
  • In the case of a credit invoice, the debit invoice number must be stated.

Invoice attachments

Only supporting documents for the e-invoice – for example time reports, material summaries, receipts or invoices from subcontractors may be attached. Please note that invoice images should not be sent as attachments. For any other questions, please contact SGU via e-mail

Other information

SGU's corporate registration number: 202100-2528

SGU's VAT number: SE202100252801

Payment reminders

Payment reminders should be sent by email to:

alternatively by post to:

Geological Survey of Sweden
Box 670
751 28 UPPSALA

Last reviewed 2023-01-23