The 6-7th of May and 16-17th of June, two conferences on Mining & Sustainability took place online as part of the Sida sponsored International Training Programme- Mine water and mine waste management. These events also concluded the programme for groups number two and three.


The disappointment of last year’s postponement of the conferences in Nairobi and Dar Es Salaam, was turned into joy of completing the programme for the participating groups two and three of the Mine water and mine waste management programme, in May and June this year.

During the two-day online conferences, the respective groups went through presentations of their change projects to each other and to a larger international audience, exchanged opinions and ideas during fruitful discussions and listened to the insights of Dr John Tychsen regarding Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM). Dr Tychsen has worked extensively with ASM in Africa and the topic is always of great interest and creates lively discussions. Focus at these two occasions were on formalisation, gender issues and child labour as well as the environment. Please see the presentations and the ASM handbooks here.

Read more about the conference Mining & Sustainability

Change projects

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The change projects are the fruits of programme-specific projects aimed to encourage and support positive change in all participating organisations and countries, as well as a more sustainable mining industry. The projects normally last for 10 months but due to the pandemic the groups were rewarded extra time to complete their projects. Presentations of the change projects from group two and three included tool kits, checklists, guidelines, and illustrations to guidelines. All the change projects were group efforts between two or more authorities from the same country. Positive changes can already be seen in their collaborative work, and not only through the projects themselves. Please see all the change projects from all concluded groups (one-three), here:

Read more about the Change projects

Looking forward

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Just like most training programmes and organisers, the ITP 308- Mine water and mine waste management programme has been forced to alter its appearance due to the extensive pandemic. In line with a more sustainable and practical training format while we cannot meet in real life, the organisers are putting together a three-week long online conference with interactive, online classroom sessions mixed with offline reading, group work, quizzes, and assignments as well as change project work. Group four of the programme is expected to start in late September.

In addition to the changes in the programme, the organisers plan to launch panel discussions on the ITP website. These topic-specific panel discussions will be arranged in the second half of the year. Watch this space for news on that later!
