A smeltery is needed when you want to extract your metals from the ore and make them useful. Different amounts of waste slag will be produced during the process. You can put the slag in the smeltery once more to extract more of the metal. You will also need various amounts of coal or buckets of lava and fill 1-3 slots in the oven for the extraction, which represents different energy levels for the process.
Composed by: One oven and four blocks of feldspar.
Alloy furnace
The alloy furnace is used for mixing different metals and make alloys. No waste slag is produced in this process. Fuel in the alloy oven is coal or a bucket of lava.
Composed by: One melting furnace and three blocks of bricks.
Prospector’s pan of steel
To pan gold and diamonds in the sand in river biomes.
Composed by: Four pieces of steel.
Jet pack
The jet pack will enable you to fly around in the different gaming worlds (in survival mode). It will therefore be exciting to explore the environments and it will also be easier to the detect ores, veins and other resources. The jet pack works as long as the battery is charged, and then you have to connect it to the battery charger (the charge is visible through a bar when you have the jet pack on your back).
Composed by: Four aluminium ingots, two titanium ingots and one lithium battery.
Monster warning system
The monster warning system can be used to detect monsters at a distance. The monster warning system has to be charged in the battery charger.
Compose by: Two quarts blocks, two copper ingots, one piece of cordierite and one lithium battery.
Heart starter
If you get hurt or die during during the game, the heart starter will allow you to restart and keep the possessions that you found so far. The heart starter needs to be charged after it has been used.
Composed by: Two titanium ingots, two tantalum ingots, one lithium battery and one REE ingot.
Lithium batteries
Rechargeable lithium batteries are used in several products, e.g. the heart starter, jet pack and monster warning system.
Composed by: Steel and one lithium ingot.
Battery charger
Is used to charge the lithium batteries. The battery charger is driven by solar power and hence it will only work during day time and when it is sunny. Products with a lithium battery like the jet pack, heart starter and monster warning system can be plugged in to the charger.
Composed by: Three REE ingots, one day light sensor and three copper ingots.
Sand paper
Is used to polish blocks, slaps and stairs. The sand paper will work on the following rock types: gabbro, marble, granite, gneiss, diabase, limestone, quartz, shale and schist.
Composed by: a garnet, slime and a paper.
Magnetic compass
Is a tool to help you localize iron ores. The magnetic compass will start to react when you are less than 20 blocks away from the ore. The closer you get to the ore, the bigger reaction from the compass.
Composed by: Four iron ingots and one copper ingot.
Is an alloy made of seven iron ingots, one piece of coal and one tungsten ingot.
Is an alloy made of seven copper ingots and two tin ingots.
Is an alloy made of six copper ingots and three zinc ingots.
Last reviewed 2020-09-22