About SGU's geological data
Geological information is important for both business and public activities. Here, you can find out more about how SGU produces and provides geological data, in what forms, and under what licensing conditions.
Geological information is used in work on climate adaptation, climate change, and the management of geological risks such as landslides, spatial planning, material and raw material supply, civil and military defence , and many other areas. SGU's information is adapted for different areas of use, and by making geological data available as open data, we contribute to positive socio-economic values. These, in turn, contribute significantly to increased supply capacity and strengthened competitiveness for Sweden.
You can find SGU's geological data here on the website and in the GeoLagret. Downloadable data, APIs, Web Map Services, and Inspire data are collected under a number of categories. Data from SGU is provided primarily in the formats JSON, GeoJSON, CSV, GeoPackage, and in TIFF format for raster data.
Read more about SGU's data formats
SGU has discontinued the manual deliveries of geological data that were previously handled by our customer service. Anyone who previously had an agreement with SGU for the delivery of data can now download or access data via API directly here from the website or from the GeoLagret. However, customer service can, together with SGU's geological expertise, offer assistance for those who need help finding the right data and provide guidance on what it can be used for.
Contact SGU
If you would like more information about our geological data products, please contact customer service. We also welcome feedback on how our data can be made more accessible, easier to use, and if there is a data product that is missing.
Last reviewed 2025-01-15