Deformation structures in approx. 2.1 billion years old layers of basalt and dolomite, Storön in the Kalix archipelago.
Photo: Benno Kathol, SGU
New publications on the geology in northern Sweden
SGU presents two new reports on the bedrock geology in northern Sweden as a result of the Barents project.
As part of SGUs work with increasing knowledge about Sweden's northernmost bedrock, new geological information is published from SGU's Barents project. The strategic goal of the project was to provide the prospecting and mining industry with updated and comprehensive geological information to improve Sweden's competitiveness in the mineral industry. New and widely available geological information from the region in question can help exploration and mining companies reduce their risks and exploration costs, and thereby promote economic development. In addition, enhanced geological knowledge contributes to efficient, environmentally friendly and long-term sustainable use of resources.
Read more about the Barents project
Geology of the Northern Norrbotten ore province, northern Sweden, Rapporter och meddelanden 141.
This volume starts with a brief overview of the geological setting, outlining some of the main recent achievements. This is followed by four papers dealing mainly with lithostratigraphy and age constraints on the supracrustal sequences. 3D geometry and structural evolution are the main topics of the next set of five papers. The following two contributions focus on U-Pb dating of a metamorphic event and an intrusive event, respectively. The volume concludes with a study of the geochemical signature of till in the Northern Norrbotten ore province.
Geology of the Northern Norrbotten ore province, northern Sweden (opens in a new tab, large file)
Synthesis of the bedrock geology in southern Norrbotten County, northern Sweden
The report describes the geological features in southern Norrbotten and gives information about the stratigraphy of supracrustal rocks, the subdivision of intrusive suites, mineral deposits, regional structural framework, information on metamorphic conditions and geophysical information. Information about base data available from the area is also presented.
Last reviewed 2018-06-11