Despite 2022 starting just as 2021 did, with an ongoing pandemic, we stay hopeful that the situation in the world will improve during the upcoming year. For the ITP 308 Mine water and mine waste management, the year includes the starts of two training groups as well as the completion of the first ever online Mine water and mine waste management training. In addition, we hope to attend the Mining Indaba in South Africa with two previous participants presenting their country’s change project.
Online Improvements
The challenges for the organisers and the participants during the pandemic have been numerous. Despite this, the organisers continue to improve and update the online material, making it more accessible for everyone and all interested in mining and the environment. The free, online accessibility of information has been one of the chief aims during the work that has taken place during the pandemic. In the analysis of visitors from last year we can see individuals not only within the programme, but also with special interest in the topic of mine water and mine waste management, frequently visit our website. In 2022, we hope to continue to host visitors from outside the programme, as well as within.
Also, we are currently starting up a LinkedIn account for the ITP. Keep your eyes out for that!
Application is out now, and these are the current programme changes
As part of a more sustainable programme the organisers of the mine water and mine waste management training has altered the programme to some degree.
In 2022 there is a programme in May-June and one in September. The participants are selected among nominations and applications from the selected organisations. New for the programme is the online interviews and test run of the tools of the programme prior to selection of participants.
The plan is for the participants to partake from a venue in their home countries, and if pandemic and regulations allows, for organisers to join in the training with the participants. The venues will be announced at a date closer to the training and will be supported by the programme for a period of two-three weeks. The 10-month change project work continues as previous years. The final presentation of the change projects remains similar to the original plan, with a week in one of the participating countries. New for the programme, is the possibility of Sweden being one of the countries hosting the final conference.